Improving Your Style In 3 Quick Steps

In Style Advice by Melanie Shaw

Experimenting with style can be tough if you’ve never really given your look a second thought, but it’s never too late to get started. Looking your best is key when it comes to feeling your best, and your style plays a huge role in that. Whether you’re bored with what you’re usually wearing, not very confident in yourself, or just want to learn more about yourself, there’s no bad reason to improve your wardrobe. Of course, clothes can be expensive, but if they make you feel better daily – it’s worth the investment.

Be organized

Leaving your wardrobe as a mess can make things much more difficult than they need to be. A functional wardrobe helps you to visualize everything easier and can help you to pick out your style for the day. It might even help you to decide on what you’re missing, so before anything, get your wardrobe in order.

Don’t buy things on a whim

A lot of the time, when wanting to experiment with a new style, it can be easy to get a little carried away. Whether you saw something that you liked or saw someone else wearing something that you like – understand that it might not always suit you. Sure, you can try it out for yourself, but if it’s not working for you – then it’s just not worth it. That’s why experimenting is so important, but just know that buying stylish clothing isn’t necessarily going to improve your style.

The same goes for when you see sales. It’s easy to see a huge discount on a clothing item, but you’re not saving any money if you buy something you’re not going to wear. When shopping for clothes, focus on what you want and what works for you, and don’t just buy clothes because they’re cheap. Again, it’s not a great deal if you don’t really want it! If anything, the sale has cost you more money than you would have spent in the first place.

Know where to look

Visiting the same clothing shops over and over again can be great if you’re not often buying clothes, but it’s generally best to shop around a bit. If you’re going to make some great finds, you’ve got to know where to look when you’re looking to spend. Take this boho tunic top, for example, you wouldn’t find that unless you actually knew where to look for it. Online shopping has made clothes shopping so much more convenient if you’re experienced. Everything is just a few clicks away, and there are so many different stores to choose from.

Of course, online shopping can be risky. You don’t really know what you’re going to get until it arrives, and even then it might not fit you as well as you were expecting. You should always check the reviews on sites, and often there will be comments left by others who have bought it discussing how it fits them, and whether or not they suggest ordering a size up. That depends heavily on the store you purchase it from, but it can be quite helpful to learn from others’ mistakes.

Photo by Alyssa Strohmann on Unsplash

About Melanie Shaw

Melanie Shaw is a fashion and lifestyle writer who has worked in the fashion industry in PR and communications, helping brands launch their latest products and collections.

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